Below is an overview of the 2025 Members Meeting and International Congress schedule. In early 2025, we will have a detailed agenda to showcase our plenary sessions, accepted oral abstracts, and concurrent sessions!
Monday, March 3
17:30–19:30 | Members Meeting Reception |
Tuesday, March 4
09:00–12:30 | Members Meeting |
14:00–17:00 | Pre-Congress Workshops |
Wednesday, March 5
06:45–07:30 | Wellness Activities |
08:00–18:00 | Registration & Info Desk Open |
08:00–08:30 | Exhibits + Poster Viewing |
08:30–09:30 | Opening Remarks + Plenary Session 01 |
09:30–10:00 | Break with Exhibits + Poster Viewing |
10:00–11:00 | Concurrent Sessions |
11:15–12:15 | Concurrent Sessions |
12:15–14:15 | Lunch on Own |
14:15–15:15 | Concurrent Sessions |
15:30–16:30 | Concurrent Sessions |
16:45–17:30 | Plenary Session 02 |
17:30–19:00 | Poster Session 01 Reception |
19:00–19:45 | Wellness Activities |
Thursday, March 6
06:45–07:30 | Wellness Activities |
08:00–18:00 | Registration & Info Desk Open |
08:00–08:30 | Exhibits + Poster Viewing |
08:30–10:15 | Consortium Awards + Plenary Session 03 + 04 |
10:15–10:45 | Break with Exhibits + Poster Viewing |
10:45–12:00 | Concurrent Sessions |
12:00–14:00 | Lunch on Own |
12:00–13:30 | Emerging Leaders Luncheon |
14:00–15:00 | Concurrent Sessions |
15:15–16:15 | Concurrent Sessions |
16:30–17:30 | 2026 Congress Announcement + Plenary Session 05 |
17:30–19:00 | Poster Session 02 Reception |
19:00–19:45 | Wellness Activities |
Friday, March 7
06:45–07:30 | Wellness Activities |
08:00–17:30 | Registration & Info Desk Open |
08:00–08:30 | Exhibits |
08:30–09:15 09:15-09:45 | Plenary Session 06 Break with Exhibits |
09:45–10:45 | Concurrent Sessions |
11:00–12:00 | Concurrent Sessions |
12:00–14:00 | Lunch on Own |
14:00–15:00 | Concurrent Sessions |
15:15–16:15 | Concurrent Sessions |
16:30–17:30 | Plenary Session 07 + Closing Reflections
Agenda-at-a-Glance is subject to change.