Ather Ali Scholarship


At the age of 42, Ather Ali, ND MPH MHS, passed away of complications from metastatic esophageal cancer on October 26, 2017.  Ather was a humble, intelligent, generous, soft-spoken and gentle human being.  He was loved by many and will be remembered by all who were touched by his life.  Ather was truly selfless. 


He graduated from Bastyr University in 2003 with a degree in naturopathic medicine. He was one of very few naturopath physicians in North America who became truly integrated into an academic medical center and assume a leadership position in integrative medicine. He was the founding director of the Yale Program in Integrative Medicine. He was an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at Yale and was at the time of his death the Medical Director of Integrative Medicine at Smilow Cancer Hospital.



He died at Smilow, the Center he poured his heart and soul into. He was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholar, NCCIH F32 postdoctoral fellow, and recipient of a K23 Career Development Award. He consulted to the Turkish Ministry of Health on Traditional Medicine Practices and was a visiting fellow in the Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine.   He was a national and international leader in integrative medicine and health. He completed innovative research on irritable bowel syndrome, Lyme disease, nutritional interventions, diagnostic testing, fibromyalgia, and the microbiome.


He truly loved his Consortium friends and colleagues, and always expressed gratitude for the mentorship and guidance he received. His contributions to the Consortium were numerous and included serving as Research Working Group Chair, At Large Board Member, lead on website redesign, and Conference Planning Committees.  He provided wise and thoughtful guidance on our direction.  He spoke many times of his appreciation to be part of our community. 


Scholarship Description 

The Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health Ather Ali Scholarship Award for Naturopathic Physicians (NDs) was established with support from the Samueli Foundation, Ather’s parents, Akbar and Sahibzadi Faizunisa, and the generosity of individuals in our community to honor the life, work, memory, and spirit of Ather Ali, ND, MPH, MHS. Ather was one of very few naturopathic physicians in North America who became truly integrated into an academic medical center, assuming an international leadership position in integrative medicine and health. Excitingly, Mr. and Mrs. Ali are sponsoring a second scholarship for the 2025 ICIMH making it possible for two NDs to attend in Ather's memory.


The scholarship includes complimentary registration, up to three nights' accommodation at The Westin Seattle, and up to $500 for air and/or ground transportation expenses. Previous recipients are ineligible. All award benefits are exclusive to the recipient and cannot be transferred to another indivdual.


Application Process

Members interested in applying for the Ather Ali Scholarship for NDs must submit by January 10, 2025.

  1. Submit a letter of interest explaining why you deserve this scholarship
  2. CV
  3. Recommendation letter from a colleague


Applications must be submitted through the online application found here:


2025 Ather Ali Scholarship Application


Selection and Notification

The awardee will be announced by January 22, 2025, and will be recognized at the International Congress.



General Questions:

503.244.4294, ext 1003


Registration Questions:

503.244.4294, ext 1006


Consortium Questions:


Payment Mailing Address:

2025 International Congress

c/o Conference Solutions

1300 SE Stark Street, Suite 307

Portland, OR 97214

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