2025 International Congress Supporters


Our supporters are an integral part of the attendee experience, and to the overall success and transformative nature of the International Congress. 


Sponsor support provides the financial opportunity to subsidize registration fees to make the International Congress more affordable for professionals who may not otherwise be able to attend, while also providing scholarships to young and early-career researchers. 


Exhibitors come together at the International Congress from a variety of fields to support the advancement of integrative medicine & whole health by showcasing educational programs, professional societies, publishers, products, and other services of interest to our audience. 


Thank you to all of the supporters below for their commitment to championing whole health at this year's International Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health! 


Learn more about sponsorship Opportunities         learn more about exhibitor Opportunities  



Silver Sponsor


Friend of the Congress


 Visit exhibitor websites by clicking on the linked organizations below!


Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health

American Board of Integrative Medicine 

Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine 


City of Hope

Hardy Nutritionals 

Heartfulness Institute 

Maharishi International University

Perspectives on Integrative Medicine

Southern California University of Health Sciences

Tiger Tail USA

Vibrant Wellness




General Questions:


503.244.4294, ext 1003


Registration Questions: 


503.244.4294, ext 1006


Consortium Questions:



Payment Mailing Address:

2025 International Congress

c/o Conference Solutions

1300 SE Stark Street, Suite 307

Portland, OR 97214

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