Mark your calendars for March 5th – 7th for the 2025 International Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health in Seattle, Washington, USA!

Following the success of the 2024 International Congress, the 2025 Organizing Committee is diligently crafting a program that fosters connections, welcomes new faces, and provides content that supports the advancement of your integrative programs and initiatives.


The International Congress will connect you with champions of whole health from around the world, convening under this year’s theme, Leaders & Learners, Advancing Whole Health Together. With an extraordinary lineup of plenary speakers, Pre-Congress workshops, and oral and abstract sessions, the 2025 International Congress is a must-attend event for any practitioner in the field of integrative medicine and health.


Registration Information Members Meeting Information


Featured Plenary Speakers


Mental Health &

Louise Aronson,


Linda E. Carlson,

Ph.D., R.Psych

Willem Kuyken,

PhD, DClinPsy

University of California,

San Francisco 

University of Calgary


University of Oxford 


Learn more about the Featured Plenary Speakers here!


Submission Details

Pre-Congress Workshops

Pre-Congress Workshops provide a unique and meaningful opportunity to engage with attendees seeking additional experience ahead of standard 2025 International Congress programming. Pre-Congress Workshops will be presented from 14:00 – 17:00 on March 4th.

The Organizing Committee is currently accepting proposals for 2025 Pre-Congress Workshops. Proposals should fit with the theme of the Congress, Leaders & Learners, Advancing Whole Health Together. Recommended topics for submission include sessions on policy and implementation, hands-on clinical practice, and content designed to help students and trainees advance in their integrative medicine careers.


  • Pre-Congress Workshop proposals are due by October 4, 2024.
  • Learn more about the submission process for pre-congress workshops here




Concurrent Sessions & Abstract Submissions

Concurrent sessions and abstract presentations will take place throughout the International Congress, beginning on Wednesday, March 5th, and extending through Friday, March 7th. Poster presentations will be presented in proximity to the exhibit hall and plenary room, to optimize foot traffic during Congress programming. The Organizing Committee is currently accepting abstract and session proposals for the 2025 International Congress. Proposals are selected based on peer review for quality, timeliness, and fit with the overall program theme.


  • Session and abstract proposals are due by October 18, 2024.
  • Learn more about the submission process for the Call for Sessions here
  • Learn more about the submission process for the Call for Abstracts here




Wellness Activities

Wellness activities are included in the mornings and evenings of each Congress day, to promote self-care, mindfulness, and movement to optimize your whole health and wellness at the International Congress. Examples of wellness sessions may include yoga, tai chi, qigong, nature walks, HIIT classes, pilates, meditation, and more. The Organizing Committee is currently accepting proposals for wellness activities, and welcome any ideas or contributions from Congress attendees! 


  • Wellness activity proposals are due by October 18, 2024.
  • Learn more about the submission process for the Call for Wellness Activities here




For further Submission Details and timelines, please visit here.

Special Events

Emerging Leaders Luncheon (Students and Trainees Only)

The Emerging Leaders Luncheon is a keystone event for the International Congress, dedicated to celebrating new investigators, clinicians, educators, and health policy advocates, which include early-career faculty, fellows, residents, and students. Attendees will be treated to a catered lunch, with programming to include networking, and an opportunity to hear from senior academic leaders and researchers in the field.

Students and Trainees may register for the Emerging Leaders Luncheon beginning November 4th, when Congress registration opens. 


Learn more about the Emerging Leaders Luncheon by visiting the PDF below!


Emerging Leaders at the International Congress


Congress Venue


The 2025 International Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health will take place at The Westin Seattle in Seattle, Washington, USA, located at 1900 5th Avenue, Seattle, Washington, 98101. A city of abundant culture, history, and innovation, Seattle provides the perfect backdrop to this year’s International Congress.


  • To learn how to make the most of your visit to Seattle, click here.
  • For hotel reservation information and booking, click here.  



General Questions:

503.244.4294, ext 1002


Registration Questions:

503.244.4294, ext 1006


Consortium Questions:


Payment Mailing Address:

2025 International Congress

c/o Conference Solutions

1300 SE Stark Street, Suite 307

Portland, OR 97214

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